Wednesday 6 June 2012

Communication Technology

     Thanks to the technology which really has enhanced the methods of communication technology. Communication became easier, faster, flexible and even much cheaper. These days most people have modern means of communication in their pockets. We see a giant leap in the field of modern communication technology and even touch this huge progress with our hands, resulting significant saving time and effort through this modern means of communication.
The Effects of communication technology
            The past five years recorded a rise of civilization in the field of modern communication technology. This fantastic technology was behind the strong competition from manufacturers of these devices. These devices have become essential requirements in many key areas of education, engineering, medicine, security, news and many more working fields. If we focus on the education field, the evolution of communication served this area a great service in saving time and effort of both teachers and students. Life share is a great program which enables students and teachers as well to share information, projects and assignments all over the world with one push of a button. This was very hard in the past five years. Life share is just one example of communication between students and teachers worldwide. There are other communication methods that invaded the world such as Facebook and Twitter. In news, Facebook and Twitter has been largely used in covering breaking news which made a huge change in saving time and effort. Breaking news these days simply pops-up in most smart phones. You may not limit the benefits of the advanced communication technology to medical fields. These days, doctors were able to perform surgery from thousands of miles by physicians’ robots. The most advanced high speed communication technology opened a window of hope worldwide in saving a lot of emergency cases by the physicians’ robots. This communication technology breakthrough made a big change in managing time and minimizing effort. Security is still in constant updating with the communication technology. House security cameras are able to communicate with smart phone, which enable people to monitor their house, office stores and many more areas from anywhere even from outside their country. Massive time and effort is controlled with the help of communication technology. Fiber optic network technology is the latest communication technology which helped us change the way we communicate. Most rich countries went to the use of fiber optic, because of its ability in transferring a huge amount of information in even shorter time than old type network cables. For example, during the past five years the UAE has almost completed the plan of its communication cables to fiber optic cables. Entire budget of this project was huge, but results were satisfactory.
            I think the two important changes in communication technology over the past five years were in saving time and saving effort. I’ve mentioned above the effect of communication technology on how it saves time and effort, which everybody agrees with.

Negatives of communication technology

             Some people think that communication technology has impacted negatively on the internal social cooperation. Generations of parents and grandparents refused to accept this fast technology development. The fast growth of communication technology has a weakening effect on the old social relations. People’s visits have decreased over the past five years, because of this super fast communication technology. Some people are right to say that communication technology affected the credibility of the news, by the fast spread of rumors. I think this issue can be controlled easily these days by searching and checking worldwide with less time and effort. Chances of plagiarism may increase with the easy ways of getting the information, but I think also this side can be easily controlled with special website machines. In my opinion these are the only points that some people say would prevent the growth of communication technology.


            In conclusion, I can say that the two most important changes in communication technology are saving time and effort which everybody needs, only if we use it right and the way it was designed to be.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Single global currency

            In this report I will write about the advantages and disadvantages, of connecting the global with a single currency; this report will analyze the important information.
            Starting with the advantages of a single global currency; this action would save a lot of time and effort for businessmen and travelers. It will also help us to save money. We are losing some money through money exchanges when traveling, but this action should solve the issue. For example, we had to take our father to Thailand, due to his brain stroke, for treatment. That medical treatment took from my father 4 months to be able to walk again. That period of time cost us Dh. 300,000 including currency exchange, For every Dh 10,000 the money exchange used to take Dh 1,500 and if we take that from the total amount which is Dh 300,000 it will be 45,000 which is a lot.
            Turning to the disadvantages, I think that the only big looser is the money exchange companies. I think countries will never lose from the single global currency in trading, because they can increase the cargo fees which will cover their losses. But this action is impossible, because of the differences in global currency between the US dollar, the Euro and the British pound. They will never accept this action at all. It’s not for their benefit.
            In conclusion, having a single global currency is good for trading and traveling only.

Visitors to Australia overseas residents

                These two line graphs and table information show the number of annual visits to Australia by overseas residents and the country of origin where the visitors came from. In this report I will analyze the important trends.
            Starting with the line graph, the number of visits to Australia by overseas residents dramatically increased during the period 1975-2005. In 1975 10 million visitors visited Australia, 1.5 million in 1985, 24 million in 1995 and 32 million in 2005.
            Turning to the table information, it shows that in 1975 the Japanese were the most visitors to Australia which was 3.2 million and Chinese were the fewest visitors. Korean were the second then European then British then American. The same order was in 2005 but with more visitors from each region, 12 million from Japan, 9.1 from South Korea, 4.5 million European, 2.9 British and 1.1 & 0.8 million from the USA & China.
            In conclusion, we can see that the visits to Australia by overseas residents dramatically increased during the period 1975 to 2005 and the Japanese were the most visitors and I think the reason behind that is the relative distance.

Sunday 15 April 2012

Encouraging children to be competitive or cooperative

          As we all know encouraging children is very important. They are the builders of their country’s future. Children should be taught to compete and cooperate at the same time with each other.
          It is necessary to encourage our children to become competitive so they can reach the highest level of each subject that they choose in their life. They have to compete with each other to become good doctors. They have to know how to compete with each other in sport to enhance their sporting skills which will result in a good healthy life. Also they have to compete in science to graduate as excellent scientists. Almost in every subject and field we should encourage our children to know how to compete with each other to reach the maximum level of performance and knowledge.
          We should also know that this competition should be controlled by some effort from them which is cooperation. Sometimes they will need to work as teams, so they should learn how to cooperate with each other and help each other. Our children have to be encouraged from this side also. But it is less important than competition. Because they would have to work alone in some future fields.
          In conclusion, I would say that encouraging our children to focus on competition is a bit more important than cooperation.

Balanced diet

We all agree that a balanced diet or eating balanced meals is the essential fact of having a healthy life. A lot of people don’t know in detail about this balanced diet, but most of them agree about it.
          I think that diet and eating balanced meals will lead to a very good result which can be noticed clearly in our bodies. Because the body will be able to manage the amount of food that we need and the amount of calories that should be burned. I think this is the most important fact which is about 80% of the facts which help us to have or live a healthy life.
          Still those facts are not the only facts for having a healthy life. I think there are several things would help us to enhance our life such as living in a clean environment, avoiding smoke and doing enough sports. We can see a lot of people are talking about having a healthy life in just a small angel which is diet, but still most of them don’t know that we need other facts to get the maximum result. I think we should teach the people how to control their life style by eating enough calories that they need and the time spent on good exercise plus choosing the healthy environment to live.
          In conclusion, diet or eating balanced meals would give a good healthy life if we add enough exercises in a good environment.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Students' study among different age groups

          These two bar charts show the reason for students’ study among different age groups and the amount of support which is received from employers in the UK. The first chart shows that the students below 26 up to 40 years old are studying for their career compared to the old people who are studying just for interest.
          For those under 39, an average of 55% study for career reasons. For those over 49 the average is less than 20%. The second chart shows younger students under 26 are supported more by their employers. Then, 26-29 are the second supported group. 30-49 are the lowest supported group and the reason is because they are looking for jobs and working more than studying. People after 40 years of experience are supported again with help for fees to study for their interest.
          In conclusion we can see that students below26 and between 26 and 29 are supported more to continue their studies and after about ten years of work again they will get the chance of time off and help with fees.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Restaurant sales report

            In this report I will write about the main features of a restaurant somewhere in a city center American business area and mention some comparison where possible. This report will analyze the overall trends.
          If we look at the lunch weekdays, we can see that the sales rate is almost the same which was between US 2,400 – 2,500. And it seems the weekend the sales rate decreased to US 1950. Dinner during weekends had almost the same rate which is between US 3,445 to 3,800 except Friday which had the highest sales of US 4,350. Dinner at the weekends also had the lowest rate of US 2,900. If we make a comparison between lunch and dinner during weekdays and weekends, we can see that the restaurant sales were more at dinner time which is of course when more people like to go out and spend their dinner in the restaurant.
          In conclusion we can see that the restaurant had a lower rate during the weekends because some people like to spend time at home.